Services - what can we do to help you?
Briarwood Landscape Architecture Ltd offers a range of landscape services to help progress a client’s project to a successful conclusion.
What we can do to help you:
Site finding and initial appraisal including the identification of landscape and visual constraints and opportunities
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment preparation as part of an EIA project
Landscape and Visual Appraisal preparation
Landscape (and Ecological) and Management Plan formulation
Landscape and urban design guidance including input into Design and Access Statements
Green infrastructure advice and strategy
Sensitivity assessment and Landscape/townscape characterisation
Concept and detailed design
Neighbourhood Plan input
Peer reviews and rebuttals
Preparation and presentation of evidence at appeal hearings and public inquiries.
For further or more specialist assistance, we have an association with several fellow professionals who we can engage with directly and/or suggest to the client to further strengthen the team.